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Are you looking for a local agronomy or crop expert? Someone who has been certified as having knowledge and experience? Then you need a certified professional from one of the certification programs of the American Society of Agronomy.

You may search for:

  1. Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) - Search for a local expert using the term "CCA" followed by a dash and the local board’s abbreviation. For example, enter "CCA-PP" for the prairie provinces of Canada. View a list of local board abbreviations here
  2. Certified Crop Adviser – California Manure Management Specialty (MM)
  3. Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg)
  4. Certified Soil Technician (CST)
  5. Sustainability Specialist (SSp)
  6. 4R Nutrient Management Specialist (4R NMS)
  7. Resistance Management Specialist (RMS)

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The "Match any criteria" will displays results containing whichever field you entered.

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Ex: CCA-WI, CPAg or 4R NMS

Specialty Training

Search by Professional Expertise

This list is a compilation of self-selected experts and is not endorsed by the Societies.

You can search by Expertise Group or by individual Areas of Expertise by expanding the list under each Expertise Group.

Agricultural Regulation, Business and Technology (Show)

Crop Management (Science, Production, and Specializations) (Show)

Horticulture (Gardens, Nurseries, and Turfgrass) (Show)

Integrated Pest Management (Show)

Nutrient Management (Show)

Soil Management (Show)

Specialty Agronomy/Ag Education (Show)

Water Management (Show)